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Lena Terlutter

The Book

Lena and co-author Henriette Frädrich have published their first edition of "Cologne's got style", a fashion city insider book. Packed with interviews of retailers, journalists, celebrities, fashion colleges, website or key bloggers Lena manages to state the fact that Cologne, well known in the world of art, has also to be taken seriously in the fashion world.

Each interview is illustrated with fashion photographs that represent the most authentic aspect of the person and style of the interviewed person accompanied by a text giving styling recommendations , as well as biographical information. This makes the book a valuable guide for fashion followers, professionals, students or fashion entrepreneurs or just people who love Cologne.

More than 1000 copies were already sold in the first week after the book launch. Lena shared her success with her friends , the participants, her team and all the helping hands : The presentation of the book was celebrated in Lena's Boutique Belgique store followed by a launch party for press and spacial guests in one of Cologne`s stylish clubs.

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Colognes got StyleColognes got Style
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